Aurora på gång


Well-Known Member
Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab confirm that the CME is heading for Earth, and they say strong geomagnetic storms are possible when the cloud arrives during the late hours of Jan. 21st. Their animated forecast track predicts an impact on Jan. 21st at 22:30 UT (+/- 7 hrs).

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ALERT: Type II Radio Emission
Begin Time: 2012 Jan 18 2323 UTC
Estimated Velocity: 811 km/s

R1 Blackout
Bara att hoppas att Bz komponenten blir negativ och IMF

Vi som gillar vhf och au får hålla tummarna
/Lasse SM4IVE
Mer på gång

ALMOST-X FLARE AND CME: This morning, Jan. 23rd around 0359 UT, big sunspot 1402 erupted, producing a long-duration M9-class solar flare. The explosion's M9-ranking puts it on the threshold of being an X-flare, the most powerful kind. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash:

Gårdagens Aurora gav ett antal UA3 or på 432 Mhz vad kan detta ge?
Mer info

INCOMING CME: Big sunspot 1402 erupted on Jan. 23rd, producing a strong M9-class solar flare and a fast-moving coronal mass ejection (CME). Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab say the CME should reach Earth on Jan. 24th at 14:18 UT (+/- 7 hr) and Mars a little more than a day later. Strong geomagnetic storms are possible when the cloud reaches Earth. Our magnetic field is still reverberating from a CME impact on Jan. 22nd, so another blow could spark impressive auroras at high latitudes. Sky watchers in northern Europe, Canada, Alaska, and northern-tier US states such as the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin should be alert for Northern Lights.

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Jag lyssnade på MV i bilen för en liten stund sen och det lät rätt bra trots norrsken i faggorna. Inga ilskna katter än så länge. Tyvärr kommer det lätt vänersnö nu så att titta på norrsken ikväll är uteslutet. Molnbasen är rätt låg.