Iaru Ct08

The VHF Managers’ Handbook to be amended as follows:
FM simplex voice channels in 50MHz, 145MHz, 435MHz and 1296MHz bands to be redesignated to be FM/DV in the bandplan mode column. DV users should check that the channel is not in use by other modes. Also, to change the mode column to add DV alongside FM
Bandplans be amended to show calling frequencies for digital voice as follows
50MHz: 50.630MHz
145MHz: 145.375MHz
435MHz: 433.450MHz

1296MHz: 1297.725MHz

In each case, these to be annotated with the following footnote:
“This segment is for simplex use only with no DV gateways. Embedded data traffic is allowed along with digital voice”.
It was agreed for consistency that Recommendation CT08_C5_Rec17 from Day 1 should be amended to refer to “Embedded data” rather than “Additional data”.
CT08_C5_Rec17 (revised)
It is recommended that all VHF/UHF/Microwave band plans in the voice repeater section are revised to allow for new digital voice in addition to FM in the “Mode” column of the band plans and to add the following footnote to the band plan: “Embedded data traffic is allowed along with digital voice”.
Paper CT08_C5_07 - Frequencies for Digital Voice communication in the IARU, Region 1, VHF/UHF band plans
The meeting felt that digital voice would eventually replace analogue voice and that it was therefore sensible to designate frequencies for dual-use rather than specify new channels specifically for digital voice. It was also felt helpful that there be a designated calling channel / centre of activity which would be most useful in the early days of digital voice and in countries with a low density amateur population.
The following recommendation was agreed with no abstentions and one vote against (NRRL):
The VHF Managers’ Handbook to be amended as follows:
FM simplex voice channels in 50MHz, 145MHz, 435MHz and 1296MHz bands to be redesignated to be FM/DV in the bandplan mode column. DV users should check that the channel is not in use by other modes. Also, to change the mode column to add DV alongside FM
Bandplans be amended to show calling frequencies for digital voice as follows
50MHz: 50.630MHz
145MHz: 145.375MHz
435MHz: 433.450MHz
1296MHz: 1297.725MHz
In each case, these to be annotated with the following footnote:
“This segment is for simplex use only with no DV gateways. Embedded data traffic is allowed along with digital voice”.
It was agreed for consistency that Recommendation CT08_C5_Rec17 from Day 1 should be amended to refer to “Embedded data” rather than “Additional data”.
CT08_C5_Rec17 (revised)
It is recommended that all VHF/UHF/Microwave band plans in the voice repeater section are revised to allow for new digital voice in addition to FM in the “Mode” column of the band plans and to add the following footnote to the band plan: “Embedded data traffic is allowed along with digital voice”.
50MHz: 50.630MHz
145MHz: 145.375MHz
435MHz: 433.450MHz
1296MHz: 1297.725MHz

Går folk över till dessa nu eller kommer ni att ligga kvar på t.ex. 145.3375? Själv kommer jag att lägga in 145MHz: 145.375MHz och 435MHz: 433.450MHz och passa dessa också framöver med förhoppning om att fler och fler kommer att anpassa sig till dessa, om inte annat för att även besökare utifrån ska kunna veta vilket frekvens de ska använda för kontakt.