Kenwood TS-830S Död display


Active Member
allt annat fungerar på den utan displayen ... lite irriterande

har felsökt en hel månad ut att hitta något , provat löda om alla kall lödningarna

inte hjälpt ....

tycker om den här stationen ... den luktar gott och det är min första kenwood

tips , eller om någon har ett counter bord över?
Från yahoo kenwoodforum, samma problem med död display:

"Ryan, Check and clean all the connectors on the PLL board."

My first thought is the plugs on the COUNTER UNIT (digital display board) and
other boards.

The plastic plugs that plug into each PC board have been known to cause problems
in the past, not only the 830 but other hybrids as well.

I recommend removing each plug, one at a time, and give the plug and the pins a
shot of contact cleaner. Insert the plug a number of times then seat the plug
one last time. Make sure it sits flush on the board and none of the wires are
broken. Use canned air to remove any/all excess contact cleaner.

Do this to all of the plugs in the 830.

I also recommend checking each PC board's mounting hardware. The edges are
typically ground returns and if corrosion builds up between the board and the
metal mounting stub/chassis, the ground will present a resistance which
shouldn't be there. Loosen each mounting screw then re-tighten the screw. Do not
use excessive force as you could strip the threads on the screws and/or mounting

Check voltage on the COUNTER UNIT board plug 1 pin 3, it should be 12VDC.
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