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Remove, if present (S/N < #3000 ??), D13 on the LOGIC UNIT.
Reset the CPU ( [func] + [a] and "power on" ).
The frequncy-range of the logic unit* is now :
75 - 195 MHz
200 - 490 MHz
740 - 960 MHz
* Because some particular sets have VCO's that won't "lock" over the total range, the frequency-range that is really covered by the transceiver can be smaller as the mentioned ranges.
->Verry Interresting: in the "AIR-band" the receiver even switches to AM-mode !! (108 - 138 MHz).
For those who want more.....
Remove diode D8 (logic board);
Place, if not present yet, D7;
Place D12;
Remove D13;
Push, at the same time, [light],, and [#], while turning on the power (probably you need three hands for this), The transceiver now executes a "display-test".
Release the buttons only when the display-test is ended.
The frequency-range of the logic unit* is now:
VHF: 0 - 355 MHz
UHF: 355 - 1310 MHz