OTC Dec. 1973 (12):430-435 "10 W-sändere med VFO för 80 och 40 mb"


New Member
Dear Sir or madam,
I am a ham radio novice from Germany and want to build a 80m transmitter. In a german book (Lechner & Fink, 1979, 'Kurzwellensender', Militärverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, p. 342) I came across an interesting design by J. Löfqvist SM 3 CFV for a 10W 80/40 m transmitter which was published in the swedish QTC from December 1973 on pages 430-435. The article has the title "10 W-sändere med VFO för 80 och 40 mb".
Maybe one of you is in the posession of this article and could provide me with a softcopy of this article.
In the same book/chapter there is another mentioning of a swedish QTC article by V.H Sörensen SM 4 DTL with the title '80 meters QRP transceiver för CW och Foni' May 1974, pp. 190-195 but to which extent this is relevant I have no clue.

Thank you in advance and yours sincerely,
I kindly was supplied with aforementioned article and I would like to translate it word-by-word and maybe upload this text somewhere if I get the permission from QSL SE, however there are some difficulties in some of the sentences where I probably need professionel help:
The VFO is temperature compensated by picking the right temp. coefficients but still I don't get the exact meaning of this sentences, especially with the halfway turned C2 which is a trimmer:

"Till C6-C7 har jag använt styrolkondensatorer, eftersom jag inte hade några glimmerkondensatorer i så höga värden, och fann då att med C2 invriden till hälften var 10 pF N750 lagom i C3. Ytterligare kapacitans behövs nu för att lägga gretsen rätt i frekvens. "

And another sentence which probably is a proverb:
"Nycklingen sker i kat .. f'låt - sourceledningen. Nyckelström c:a 4 mA."

Thanks + Best,
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I'll give it a try, you will probably get more suggestions:

For C6 and C7 I've selected styrol capacitors because a shortage of mica capacitors with such high values. With those values I found that with C2 turned halways in, a 10pF N750 capacitor was adequate for C3. Additional capacitance will now be needed to put the circuit at the right frequency.

The second sentence is sort of a joke.

Keying is done in the cath(ode)... sorry - in the source line with around 4mA keying current.