Sänd inte här pga samband med nödställda i Kina
Hej alla på ham.se
I går fick jag detta av en norsk radioamatör jag känner!
Michael BD5RV/4 reports that radio amateurs are aiding the relief effort in
the Sichuan region of China.
Would all operators please leave the following frequencies clear:
A team of amateurs is said to be operating from the epicentre of the
earthquake, Wenchuan, using 40m.
In Chengdu, the UHF repeater survived the earthquake and is now being used
to direct ambulances.
Hej alla på ham.se
I går fick jag detta av en norsk radioamatör jag känner!
Michael BD5RV/4 reports that radio amateurs are aiding the relief effort in
the Sichuan region of China.
Would all operators please leave the following frequencies clear:
A team of amateurs is said to be operating from the epicentre of the
earthquake, Wenchuan, using 40m.
In Chengdu, the UHF repeater survived the earthquake and is now being used
to direct ambulances.
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