Titanex DLP19 – 19 Element Wire Log-Periodic 7MHz - 30MHz - Nytt !


QRV mellan 7MHz och 30 MHz med bara en antenn!

Säljer en ny Titanex DLP19 – 19 Element Wire Log-Periodic 7MHz - 30MHz -
med allt tillbehör, rör osv !
Monteringsanlednig med foton följer med

Data :

Very low wind load: 600N (at 120km/h)
Low Weight: 24kg (52.8lb.)
Optically very inconspicuous appearance through the use of wire elements
No swinging elements at strong wind
Power handling: 5kW PEP
No balun necessary
Double-boom (60/18mm), electrically fed = increased gain
High number of elements due to wire stringing
No corroding parts through the use of special stainless steel clamps
Best low angle radiation through high number of elements
Crossing-free feeding of all elements with a defined impedance
Feeding with just a single coax cable for all seven bands (50 Ohm)
Loss-free linear loading feeding on 10MHz, full-size rotary dipole on 7MHz
Suppression of strong BC transmitters in the 7-13MHz range because 7 and 10MHz are designed as skip-frequencies (resonant bands)

Boom length: 10m (32.8ft.)
Longest element: 10.42m (34.1ft.)
Turning radius: 6.1m (20ft.)
Gain: 14-30MHz: 7dBd, 7MHz: 1dBd, 10MHz: 2dBd
Front-to-back ratio: 20-25dB from 14-30MHz
VSWR: typically 2:1 and better on the amateur radio bands

Pris : 10.000 SKr

Hämtas i närheten av Norsjö, med bil och Lasthållare
Kontakta mej via mejl. SA2BRN (alfa) gmx.com


  • dlp19 - www.titanex.de.jpg
    dlp19 - www.titanex.de.jpg
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  • Titanex - DLP19 - Teile - IMG_4678.jpg
    Titanex - DLP19 - Teile - IMG_4678.jpg
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