Telegrafiträning på 1854 kHz


Well-Known Member
Stationen OKM1 sänder femställiga grupper med hastighet 60- till 120-takt. Fyren sägs vara aktiv mellan kl 06 och 20 SNT.
OKM1......är det en amatörradiostation? Konstigt call...

OKM1 (ex OK0EV) is just only European top band beacon. It works daily 0600 - 2000 local time. Beacon has high frequency stability, typically 10E-8. For details see info at (sorry, web pages aren`t completed at this time).

Beacon transmits data of ionosonde CZE Pruhonice every 15 minutes and CW groups of 5 training every 30 minutes. Actual schedule for ionosode data: 07/22/37/52 minute, for CW training every 11/41 minute (20/16/12 WPM). Check received groups of 5 on in text file beacon.txt.
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