I helgen kan det vara läge att hålla lite koll på 145.800

(samtidigt som ni hör aktivitet där, så kan man även lyssna lite snabbt på 437.800 där ISS repeatern har utfrekvens)

ARISS is celebrating 40 years of human tended operations from space. STS-9 was the first time amateur radio was operated by a person while on orbit back in late 1983. To commemorate that beginning, an SSTV activity has been scheduled to start on Dec 16 about 10:15 UTC and run until December 19 around 18:00 UTC.

Operations will be on the standard 145.800 MHz downlink using SSTV mode PD120.

Received images can be posted at the ARISS Gallery You can also apply for the an award at the ARISS SSTV award site.
Hej! Det verkar som dom har släckt all trafik av vad man kan se på rapporterna. Jag var med på morgonpassagerna och det var tyst på alla ISS frekvenser. (passade dock på att dra ett par kontakter över RS-44 när trackingen ändå var igång.)


December16, 2023 — The ARISS 40th Anniversary SSTV Event is currentlyexperiencing technical difficulties. We have received a number of reportsstating that no images have been received during passes. The problem is beinginvestigated and we will continue to provide updates of changes in the operationstatus as they occur. Please refer to our social media listings below for thelatest updates.


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Nya försök!

December 25, 2023 — Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) announces a special SSTV experiment to be held this week. The ISS VoiceRepeater will be our downlink and several ARISS selected ground stations around the world will serve as SSTV uplink stations. Two special images will be sent on 437.800 MHz using PD120 formating.

This limited experiment will be conducted on several passes over Europe, Australia and the USA between Wednesday Dec. 27 to Saturday Dec. 30, 2023. We hope radio enthusiasts will download the images and follow along with the event. We appreciate all hams holding off from using the repeater for voice contacts during the event.
Vi har nämnt lite om det här tidigare och här kommer ett förslag från Amsat DL om en eventuell framtida GEO transponder i ett ESA samarbete.

43 grader väst skulle sitta fint från vår position. Jag kollade lite på en satellit som ligger 45 grader väst och som får ett väldigt fint fotavtryck. Dessutom en bra position från oss sett.

45 West.png
Lite udda grejer på gång under uppskjutning av nya Ariane 6 (FT8 144 MHz)

Ariane 6 Maiden Flight With GENESIS-A Module. The maiden flight of the new European launcher, Ariane 6, is scheduled forJuly 9, 2024, with a launch window of 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local timefrom the European spaceport in French Guiana (July 9 20:00h to July 1000:00h CEST). Among many other payloads, it carries our (inside YPSAT)GENESIS-A module, attached to the second stage of the launcher. The modulewill transmit FT8 and live SSTV images in Robot 36 format.

FT8 transmissions are made every 16 seconds, while SSTV’s are every 5minutes.
The working frequencies are as follows:

Downlink 144.175 MHz FT8 Mode:
Callsign AO4ARI HO60 if the antenna has been deployed– Callsign AO4ARI HO61 if the antenna has not been deployed
Downlink 144.550 MHz SSTV Robot 36 mode with live image and Hades text
A carrier with a frequency of 144.550 MHz (same frequency as SSTV) is leftbetween FT8 tones.

This information is compiled in PDF in the following document on our web:

The only thing ESA has given us is the trajectory over the ground whileflying over Europe, but we don’t have TLEs or anything that we cansemi-automate. It is available on our website:

It will be very difficult to receive it but we thank you all if you try andif you spread this information to have all possible operators tuned intoFT-8
that day. The module will fall into the sea with the second stageafter a few hours.

More information about the flight including timings here:
Lite roligt att se att AO-7 nu har passerat 50 år i rymden.. tänk att elektroniken har stått emot all denna strålning.

As we observe AMSAT OSCAR-7’s 50th anniversary as the oldest operating satellite, we should recall what may be its most noteworthy accomplishment.

OSCAR-7 was used to investigate the possibility of locating downed aircraft and disabled sea vessels by using Doppler analysis of signals from emergency location transmitters (ELT’s).

As envisioned by spacecraft engineers from the United States and Russia, the concept was to relay signals from beacon devices, ELT’s or emergency location transmitters, already installed on large and small aircraft and on ships and smaller vessels equipped with EPIRB’s or Emergency Position-Indicating Radiobeacon Stations. These one-way beacon transmitters, originally intended to be received by surface rescue parties, could also be received and transponded by a LEO spacecraft, greatly extending the rescue potential.


The signals could also be Doppler tracked, one-way, by processing the beacon uplink signal on-board the spacecraft. This would allow the spacecraft to find the source beacon’s location immediately. This would allow the emergency beacon to be identified and located and the position stored for immediate downlink at the next available ground station. We know it is hard to remember but this was in an era before the creation of GPS!

Scientists from the Russian COSPAS (Russian acronym for “Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress) and the U.S. SARSAT (Search and Rescue Satellite) teams simulated ELT’s on amateur radio stations and demonstrated how receiving and relaying ELT transmissions and analyzing Doppler shift as OSCAR-7 passed overhead could accurately locate the emergency beacons.

The tests were highly successful. The COSPAS/SARSAT program went ahead and has been operational since 1982. From that time until 2021, when the program merged with others providing similar capability via LEO, MEO and GEO spacecraft, the program had saved the lives of 57,413 persons in 17,663 separate rescue events, involving downed aircraft and ships at sea.
Dopplerpositionering var ett stort genombrott och jag minns en presentation av COSPAS/SARSAT som hölls av ESA på mitt första CCIR SG8
möte 1984 måste det ha varit. Precis i början av bildspelet så fanns en bild av OSCAR 7 samt en jordstation bemannad av ett par glada amatörer.

Bildspelet hade satts ihop av bröderna Bliksrud från norska Teledirektorated samt presenterades av Valery Bogdanov UA3 någonting från Morsviazsputnik.