Nordic μW activity day 2024


Staff member
Saxat från nätet. Se länken längst ner för mer info.

(Hmm det här gör ju att jag nästan blir tvingad att peta igång nåt på 10G, det ligger lite sådana prylar här och samlar damm måste jag erkänna)

This is an event for all interested in microwave amateur radio communication. We
hope to motivate all who have a portable μW station or alternatively wants to join
from their home fixed station.
We also want to invite all who are interested, but without a station of their own or
without a working station for the moment! Announce you interest and find someone
that you can join not too far away.
In order to have as much activity as possible, the focus will be on 10 GHz. Those
with stations also for higher microwave bands, bring them along and use the
occasion, but please prioritize 10 GHz to support a high activity!

Nordic μW activity day 2024