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Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers Volume 25, Number 6 June, 1937 GROUND SYSTEMS AS A FACTOR IN ANTENNA EFFICIENCY* BY G. H. BROWN, R. F. LEWIS, AND J. EPSTEIN (RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc., Camden, N. J.) Summary- Theoretical considerations concerning the losses in ground systems are advanced. These considerations indicate the feasibility of antennas much less than a quarter wave length tall, for low power broadcast use. The desirability of large ground systems is also indicated. Experimental data are given which show that an eighth-wave antenna is prac- tically as efficient as a quarter-wave antenna. It is also found that a ground system consisting of 120 buried radial wires, each one-half wave long, is desirable. Tests of ground screens show them to be of no importance when adequate ground systems are used. The experimental data include antenna resistance and reactance, field intensity at one mile, current in the buried wires, and total earth currents, for many combina- tions of antenna height, number of radial wires, and length of radial wires. I. INTRODUCTION N THE past few years, many investigations have been made of I the action of antennas whose heights have been of the order of a half wave length. The chief advantage of an antenna of this height is the antifading property, obtained when the antenna is of the proper shape. For a transmitter of low power, such an antenna is an unwar- ranted extravagance, since the service area of the station will generally be limited by signal deficiency or by interference from other stations, rather than by fading. For such a station, it has been the practice to use an antenna whose height is about one quarter of a wave length. For some time, the authors have been of the opinion that much shorter antennas are feasible. This opinion was based on a number of theoretical considerations of antennas and ground systems. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss these considerations and to report on a series of experiments that were made to prove or disprove the validity of the theoretical results. II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS We shall concern ourselves entirely with straight vertical antennas, with a sinusoidal distribution of current on the antenna. The antenna is placed over a flat earth. The following notation will be used: *Decimal classification: R326. Original manuscript received by the Insti- tute, March 1, 1937. Presented before Silver Anniversary Convention, New York City, May 10, 1937. 753
Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers Volume 25, Number 6 June, 1937 GROUND SYSTEMS AS A FACTOR IN ANTENNA EFFICIENCY* BY G. H. BROWN, R. F. LEWIS, AND J. EPSTEIN (RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc., Camden, N. J.) Summary- Theoretical considerations concerning the losses in ground systems are advanced. These considerations indicate the feasibility of antennas much less than a quarter wave length tall, for low power broadcast use. The desirability of large ground systems is also indicated. Experimental data are given which show that an eighth-wave antenna is prac- tically as efficient as a quarter-wave antenna. It is also found that a ground system consisting of 120 buried radial wires, each one-half wave long, is desirable. Tests of ground screens show them to be of no importance when adequate ground systems are used. The experimental data include antenna resistance and reactance, field intensity at one mile, current in the buried wires, and total earth currents, for many combina- tions of antenna height, number of radial wires, and length of radial wires. I. INTRODUCTION N THE past few years, many investigations have been made of I the action of antennas whose heights have been of the order of a half wave length. The chief advantage of an antenna of this height is the antifading property, obtained when the antenna is of the proper shape. For a transmitter of low power, such an antenna is an unwar- ranted extravagance, since the service area of the station will generally be limited by signal deficiency or by interference from other stations, rather than by fading. For such a station, it has been the practice to use an antenna whose height is about one quarter of a wave length. For some time, the authors have been of the opinion that much shorter antennas are feasible. This opinion was based on a number of theoretical considerations of antennas and ground systems. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss these considerations and to report on a series of experiments that were made to prove or disprove the validity of the theoretical results. II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS We shall concern ourselves entirely with straight vertical antennas, with a sinusoidal distribution of current on the antenna. The antenna is placed over a flat earth. The following notation will be used: *Decimal classification: R326. Original manuscript received by the Insti- tute, March 1, 1937. Presented before Silver Anniversary Convention, New York City, May 10, 1937. 753